A collection of random notes.

Handy bash aliases

Things to add to your ~/.bash_rc or ~/.bash_profile

Convenient functions and aliases to add to your ~/.bash_rc or ~/.bash_profile files to make your life in the terminal better....

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Process Monitor is an advanced monitoring tool for Windows that shows real-time file system, Registry and process/thread activity.
  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/procmon

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New features in Javascript ES2015 (ES6)

Arrow Functions

var dostuff = function( arg ) { do stuff }; can be written as var dostuff = ( arg ) => { do stuff };

Let & Const

We nolonger use v...

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Creating a child theme in Grav CMS

Creating a child theme in Grav CMS is a truly beautiful, simple process.

1.. Create a new folder: user/themes/mytheme to house your new theme. 2.. Create a n...

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These HTML5 skeletons and frameworks are very helpful for starting out new web development projects.

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Rsync and LFTP are wonderful tools for synchronizing files. Here are various examples.


NOTE: If certificate errors prevent you from connecting to a trusted server, you can disable these erro...

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While attempting to import an .sql file I experienced the following error Unknown collation: 'utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci'. It turns out the CentOS 7 repo only offers MariaDB version 5.5, meanwhile www...

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This is the process to completely erase a database and import it again via an SQL file. This is useful for instance to sync up a dev installation of a website with the production site. Download a pr...

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So I just installed Grav CMS (v1.1.3 and Grav Admin v1.1.4) to attempt keeping my notes. A CMS that uses a flat filesystem is ideal since I will be able to write and refer to my notes both via web...

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adduser myuser
passwd myuser
gpasswd -a myuser wheel
su - myuser
mkdir .ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
vi .ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys


Made the fo...

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